Press Release: Protest the Censoring of Nurses | April 14 2021


April 8, 2021

Join Canadian Frontline Nurses Protesting Against the Censoring of Nurses

On Wednesday April 14th 2021, from 11am - 2pm we are protesting the censorship of nurses that was declared by the CNO on December 16th, 2020.

As nurses we were taught in Nursing School to be critical thinkers, to follow evidence based best practices, to ask questions, and to advocate for our patients’ health.

Yet, in this current situation, nurses are not free to disagree with the narrative. We are not to question anything that goes against it; and, if we do, we are reprimanded and silenced, terminated, and our license will be put under investigation to be revoked. This is why so many are unable to speak up against the tyranny of lockdowns. Nurses are no longer able to provide informed consent, medical transparency, and medical freedom.

As nurses, we have all pledged with Florence Nightingale before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass our lives in purity and practice our profession faithfully, agreeing to never take or administer any harmful drug!

By committing to elevate the standard of our profession, we must recognize that we are the first and last line of defence in our society for decency, integrity and compassion. We have the first and last opportunity to do the honourable and dignified thing for people.

We are, therefore, holding the College of Nurses of Ontario accountable for stripping nurses of their right to provide informed consent based on evidence based best practice and critical thinking. We, as nurses, are harming the public by removing this right, and we are uniting together to amend this grave error and to allow our voices to be heard.

We were taught to be nurse advocates, to be agitators that stood up for what is right and against harm. This responsibility has been taken away from us. We are now put in an unethical position where we might cause harm and where we must choose our job over ethics.

We plan to assemble Wednesday April 14th at 11am to say silence us no more. We know, as nurses, we can all be an example to Canada and to the rest of the world. Nurses, it is our time to rise, to stand for a better world, and to take action daily in the practice of our sacred calling. We must follow our promise, follow ethics, devoting ourselves to the welfare of those committed to our care. We will not stand idly by and allow these egregious measures to continue to take place, it is our responsibility to say no more.

Sign our petition to end lockdowns

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