Establishing Christ's Justice and Righteousness

Analysis, Legal Support, Advocacy

Defending Those who Stand

Stand Firm in Faith: Navigate Politics with Biblical Clarity

As too many churches shy away from equipping their congregations for political engagement, this pivotal event stands out, offering wisdom and guidance for Christians eager to make informed, faith-based decisions in the political arena.


Featured Shows

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Biblical Manhood ft. Pastor Michael Foster

On this episode of Open Mike, Dr. Thiessen is joined by Michael Foster, Pastor at East River Church and author of It's Good to Be a Man, to talk about biblical manhood and what it means in an androgynous age. Episode Resource: It's Good to Be a Man Website:; It's Good to Be a Man […]
June 2, 2023

Why Christians MUST Resist: UCP WINS Alberta Election & LCC Launches Pastor Story Time

On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew and Matty kick off Pride Comes Before the Fall Month by looking at the recent results of the Alberta Election with Pastor Nathan Zekveld, the continued ideological grooming of a generation into the radical Neo-Marxist LGBTQIA+ Sex-cult, the reduction of parental rights over education, and why churches must […]
June 1, 2023

YouTube CANCELS LCC...Again!!!

Big Tech censorship is out-of-control! YouTube, the subsidiary of Google, has permanently deleted Liberty Coalition Canada's YouTube page...again! Why? Supposedly for "safety." How Orwellian is that!? What was our crime that put the YouTube community at grave risk? Telling the truth about COVID-19 and the harmful effect of the jab (Obviously!). Can you believe that? […]
May 31, 2023

JUST SAY NO!!!: Pride Pushback Puts Wokies in a Pickle ft. CLC’s Jack Fonseca

On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew and Matty look at an encouraging trend, namely, continued pushback against the LGBTQIA+ Rainbow Mafia. As we head into Pride Comes Before the Fall Month, remember to say no to radical sexual indoctrination. [Segment 1] - GO WOKE, GO BROKE: Consumers Push Back Against LGBTQ+ Corporatism: Target […]
May 30, 2023

Living Under the Lordship of Christ ft. Pastor Dale Partridge

On this episode of Open Mike, Dr. Thiessen is joined by Dale Partridge, Pastor at King’s Way Bible Church, author of numerous books, founder of Relearn Ministries, and host of the Real Christianity podcast, to talk about what it means to live under the lordship of Christ in every area of life. Episode Resource: Relearn […]
May 27, 2023

EXPOSING BIOLOGOS and their Statement on COVID-19 ft. Pastor Jacob Reaume

On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew DeBartolo and Matthew Hallick, along with their guest, Pastor Jacob Reaume, expose Biologos and its Pandemic Statement --Love Your Neighbour, Get the Shot!-- and how evangelical elites smuggled government scientism into the church. This one is spicy!!! You're not going to want to miss it! Episode Resources: […]
May 26, 2023

UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Roadmap to a Tyrannical Utopia

On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew and Matty deep-dive into the road map to our totalitarian future --the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals-- and just how they plan on implementing their enviro-communo-fascistic new utopia. [Segment 1] - JUSTIN TRUDEAU: The poster boy of the New World Order: Trudeau on Agenda 2030 | True […]
May 25, 2023

Deanna McLeod Pt. 5: ”AGILE Regulations” - Why We MUST Demand PROVEN SAFETY OVER PROFIT

Once again, Mike is joined by Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) clinical researcher Deanna McLeod, founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic and Covid Sense, to finish their discussion about how our government has partnered with industry to help them circumvent the safety barriers put in place to protect Canadians from harm. Episode Resource: Canadian COVID Care Alliance:; […]
May 20, 2023

JOSH ALEXANDER ARRESTED by Calgary Police at LCC’s "I Stand with Josh Alexander" Walkout

The Liberty Lounge is open once again! Host Tim Tysoe is joined by Dr. Michael Thiessen, Andrew DeBartolo, and Matthew Hallick to discuss Josh Alexander's recent arrest, Christian's living as life-giving oxygen in a flammable age, and why religion is essential in our cultural and political debates. Episode Resources: Josh Alexander ASSAULTED by LGBTQIA+ EXTREMISTS […]
May 19, 2023

Canada is a WOKE HOT MESS Run By Incompetent Petty Tyrants

On this episode of the Dispatch, hosts Andrew and Matty examine the sad reality that Canada is a woke hot mess ruled by incompetent, petty bureaucrats. [Segment 1] - Canada's Woke Hot Mess: School board trustee resigns in protest of policies violating parental rights in Prince Edward Island | The Post Millennial:; Court upholds school […]
May 18, 2023
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Featured Initiatives

May 23, 2022

Ohio Legislature Urges Addition of Canada to Religious Freedom Special Watch List

Ohio House Resolution 194 On June 1st, 2022 the Ohio House of Representatives voted in favour of urging the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to put Canada on its Special Watch List due to the Canadian government's severe violation of religious freedom. The approval of this resolution signals Ohio’s overwhelming support for religious freedom […]
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July 14, 2021

Dominion Day Leader Highlights 2021- Standing United For Liberty and Freedom In Canada!

July 13, 2021 Dominion Day Leader Highlights 2021- Standing United For Liberty and Freedom In Canada! This video shows our strong Political and Christian Leaders speaking out and taking a stand against months of government overreach at the Supreme Court of Canada on Dominion Day 2021. Thousands of people came out to support this event […]
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June 23, 2021

Join Us in Calgary - Rally for Freedom - June 26th

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 22, 2021 Come join us on Saturday June 26th at the Calgary Remand Centre to support Pastor Tim and rally for freedom. While Alberta prepares to “open for summer” with all restrictions lifted on places of worship, wrongfully-arrested Calgary pastor Tim Stephens remains imprisoned for meeting with his congregation outdoors, allegedly […]
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May 28, 2021

Special Offer - Today Only!

May 28, 2021 Today only, you can receive a special offer to drive Liberty Coalition Canada to reach 9,000 monthly sponsors! Help us today and tomorrow to raise a tremendous number for recurring donations. We're hoping to welcome 7,800 Supporters, 780 Contributors, 380 Investors, and 20 Stakeholders. We're looking to hire at least 8-12 staff […]
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  • May 23, 2022

    Ohio Legislature Urges Addition of Canada to Religious Freedom Special Watch List

    Ohio House Resolution 194 On June 1st, 2022 the Ohio House of Representatives voted in favour of urging the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom to put Canada on its Special Watch List due to the Canadian government's severe violation of religious freedom. The approval of this resolution signals Ohio’s overwhelming support for religious freedom […]
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  • May 26, 2021

    Join Us - It's time to restore and maintain liberty in Canada

    Dear LCC Enthusiasts, Thank you so much for the outpouring of support that you are demonstrating in these days, as we seek to build up Liberty Coalition Canada from its early-stage momentum, into a united machine for restoring and maintaining liberty in Canada. It’s time for a concerted Canada-wide effort to bring common sense back. […]
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    May 21, 2021

    Exciting News! Next Step for Liberty Coalition Canada

    May 21, 2021 Dear Liberty Coalition Enthusiasts, We have been profoundly encouraged by the enthusiasm and support with which so many of you have volunteered time, donations, ideas, effort, to join us in seeking to restore Liberty in Canada. In 4 short months, we have grown to 62,000 of you joining our mailing list, 50,000 […]
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    May 19, 2021

    Press Release: Canadian Doctors Speak Out-Protecting Our Children From Harm

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 19, 2021 Here you can watch and listen to this new video brought to you by the Canada Health Alliance: Canadian Doctors Speak Out-Protecting Our Children From Harm. Canadian doctors describe the overestimated risks regarding COVID-19 and the irreversible effects of social distancing and masking mandates on children's education, physical and […]
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    May 16, 2021

    Press Release: The Canadian Frontline Nurses Announce Their Open Letter

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 16, 2021 Please read and share this urgent declaration from a broad and diverse group of Canadian nurses who sent this out to the Colleges of Nurses of our various Provinces and Territories and to the Public at large, whom they serve. 'In December 2020, Ontario’s College of Nurses (CNO), the […]
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Our Movement and Yours

About LCC

A united front to restore liberty in Canada

The sweeping and unprecedented loss of our freedoms has created an environment of fear and anxiety. This is not the Canada anyone wants! Liberty Coalition Canada exists to provide Canadians with a clear, straightforward Christian analysis of current events to diagnose the breakdown of liberty in Canada, educate on human rights and constitutional freedoms, and provide legal backing to defend rights and freedoms.

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