Curtis Riddolls v University of Guelph

Case Description

Curtis Riddolls was one of thousands of Christian university students across Canada who were denied access to campus, removed from classes, or expelled from their college or university altogether in 2021-2022 because they did not receive the COVID vaccines due to their religious beliefs.

Curtis was attempting to complete his undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph when the University mandated receipt of the COVID vaccines in order to access campus and attend in-person classes. Relying upon the right of non-discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs, Curtis requested accommodation, but the University denied his request without reasons.

Thankfully, Curtis was eventually able to graduate, in part by attending online classes. However, the University of Guelph’s religious discrimination produced various harms, including denial of in-person access to campus.

Curtis filed a human rights complaint  with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal in late 2021. The case finally went to mediation in mid-2024, but the University of Guelph did not make a reasonable settlement offer. Curtis’ complaint is therefore headed to a hearing before the Human Rights Tribunal.

Mr. Kitchen has brought many similar claims across the country on behalf of Christians who were fired from their jobs or kicked out of classes as punishment for “non-compliance” with vaccine mandates. Nearly all have settled because the defendants have made reasonable settlement offers. But not University of Guelph.

The law protects the rights of Christians to adhere to their religious beliefs by declining the COVID shots through the various human rights legislation across the country. The prohibition against discrimination on the basis of religious belief means post-secondary institutions like University of Guelph are supposed to accommodate Christian students. But this legal obligation was ignored by most colleges and universities in 2021-2022.

Curtis’ case is important because it presents a rare opportunity to vindicate the thousands of Christian students who suffered like he did. The law means little if institutions like University of Guelph can ignore it and get away with it. Mr. Kitchen looks forward to holding University of Guelph accountable and advancing the law in the area of religious discrimination.

Please join LCC, James Kitchen, and Curtis in their fight for religious freedom by donating to the Liberty Defense Fund, through which LCC provides free legal representation to Curtis.



"Sometimes your freedom is not taken away at gunpoint but instead, one piece of paper at a time, one seemingly meaningless rule at a time, one small silencing at a time. Never allow the government-or anyone else–to tell you what you can or cannot believe or what you can and cannot say or what your conscience tells you to do or not do."

- Armando Valladares

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