
Your support makes a difference. Donate today.

Your donations will be used to hold government and institutions accountable. Money raised will go directly to uncovering what lies beneath the surface, through litigation, awareness campaigns, lobbying and social media. You can unsubscribe at any time, and we will update you monthly on our progress and how your donations are making a difference.

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For donations to our Liberty Defense Fund, Advocacy, or General Funds, please send e-transfers to [email protected].

For donations to our Analysis/Shows or ChristianWeek, please send e-transfers to [email protected]. Only donations sent to this address are eligible for a charitable receipt.

Please send all cheques to:

Liberty Coalition Canada
8503 Wellington Rd 18, Fergus, ON, N1M 2W5

To receive a charitable receipt, please make the cheque payable to ChristianWeek. For all other donations, please make the cheque payable to Liberty Coalition Canada.


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